
Streamable Music?

It seems the landscape of the music world is forever a marketing wasteland as accountants and people who aren’t even musicians continually change formats for our music. The newest kind of buzz word in the music arena is “streamable” music, like with different services, Spotify, Pandora’s Box, etc. and Bandcamp, like we have set up for our download sales and streamable listening. I just want to say that I have not issues with being able to stream listen to an album before I pay for the hi rez download files, purchase the CD or the vinyl album. If I really like somebody, I will try to support them by purchasing the best quality version of their work. Streamable music is like being able to listen to your albums in a record store before you buy them. Or even like hearing things on the radio, but you get to pick the scheduling by listening anytime. In our continually morphing world, at an ever increasing exponential rate, I try not to get hung up on the delivery format, but concentrate on the highest quality music I can make in the best format possible at the moment. I still believe that vinyl and the large format album artwork is far more power, audiophile and enjoyable. Enjoy our music…   -Tony Gerber

New Release from Auroric Dreams Duo

OFFICIAL RELEASE, FEBRUARY 16th, 2015 -It is hard to believe there has only been one release from the Auroric Dreams project, but indeed, “Outpost” is the first and only release, until an announcement today that Auroric Dreams duo, Bryan Burnett and Tony Gerber were up into wee hours of the morning putting together their next release, “As The Orbit Grows.” Excitement abounds as the artwork for the release is finished and ideas about how to get it out to the masses and possible video, youtube postings, etc. Then, to top it all off, Auroric Dreams trio will be having a release later in 2015 as well. Also look for some upcoming concerts from the group starting in the spring… 




Collab with guitarist, Adam Ahlemeyer

Recently, as part of the networking that goes on via the Mando Blues radio show at the OmegaLab tent complex, west of Nashville, Tennessee, I met a young guitarist named Adam Ahlemeyer. I immediately sensed a sort of camaraderie and felt compelled to ask him to join me as an ambient duo on my weekly radio broadcast called Ambient Sunday. We had a fantastic time and I have posted one of the songs, the very first song, actually, that we recorded together for that first broadcast. After sending the recording to my Auroric Dreams bandmate, Bryan Burnett, to get his inspired response, Bryan and I have asked Adam to join us for a June 1st Ambient Sunday broadcast. These shows are broadcast on internet radio, but also piped into the virtual world of Second Life and a virtual show with audience is happening in there as well. We will see how this all goes, but adding different people always creates a new output to the equation and we are excited to see what music will come to fruition during this show.

Spring Release, March 21st, 2013

Space enthusiasts, travelers and stargazers, we are please to announce an new CD release this spring sometime. We posted an EP of sorts on website called "Outpost" at the end of 2012 which encapsulated our first music encounter as a duo. You will be able to buy the release as a CD and as well a downloadable version.


©2012-2017 Auroric Dreams Music